
INDEX. Go to an Index of public areas covered in the website. This list is updated as of 10-1-24. The same list is at the bottom of the main gallery pages. At the end of the Index webpage, there is also a list of public areas not yet shown in the OHM 10-1-24 map set. The INDEX and “Not-Shown list” complete the enumeration of public hunting lands in Ohio, as compared with the ODNR document, “List of State Owned Lands Designated as Public Hunting Areas”, from September of 2021.

Main Gallery Page 1. Go back to the Main Gallery pages. They have a “full size” picture viewer. Click on the picture to enlarge it, and click on it again to enlarge it more to full size. With this viewer you have to go back to the Gallery view to select another picture. The zoomed-in view is the 100% picture, with maximum base image size of 2500 x 3300.

Downloads Page. Go to the Downloads page. All the downloading options are there.

Technical Notes. Technical details on the maps, files, webpages, etc., are all on the page called “The Full Technical Readouts”.